If you need someone to talk to without worrying about language barriers, there are plenty of options available to you. Start with your fellow JETs. Many of them have experienced or are experiencing the same problems as you. Your workmates at school or in your office can often help with small things. It’s your supervisor’s job to look out for you, so don’t be afraid to ask.
JET Online Counseling Service for JET Programme Participants
For the well-being of JET participants, CLAIR has introduced a counseling service through an external organisation. JET participants are encouraged to used this service for advice on dealing with stress in the workplace or daily life. This service is free for JET participants and your personal information is kept confidential at all times. Counseling services are available through web mail counseling and/or Skype counseling.
Each year, your Contracting Organisation will receive documentation about the JET Online Counseling Service (JET オンラインカウンセリングサービス in Japanese). If you do not receive this from them by default, ask your supervisor for the information. It will allow you to access the counseling website and Skype services.
AJET Peer Support Group
After working hours (8pm-7am), you can call the AJET Peer Support Group for a chat or for advice. The PSG is a listening and referral service for all JET participants. The volunteers are all trained by professionals and all are current JET participants. This is a completely anonymous and confidential service. You don’t have to give your name, or even the area of Japan you are from. It’s available every night when PAs and other phone lines are often unavailable. They‘re also open every day of the year, including Christmas and summer vacation time. Whether you’ve had a bad day at work, need to see a doctor at 3:00 am or just want to speak English with someone, the volunteers at PSG are available to listen.
PSG can be contacted at 050-5534-5566 or voice call (not IM) via Skype at AJETPSG (Service available from 8pm-7am).
Non-JET Counseling Options
Tokyo English Life Line (TELL) provides free, anonymous and confidential telephone counseling from 9am to 11pm, 365 days a year. Trained volunteers can offer counseling and support, as well as information on a broad range of English-speaking services in Japan. TELL number is 03-5774-0992.
Free Personal Counseling
Fukuoka City International Foundation offers a personal counseling service with a Japanese clinical psychologist to foreigners residing in the Fukuoka area. The counseling service is available in both English and Japanese. Appointment necessary.
When: See website for details
Further information: http://www.fcif.or.jp/en/en-consultation/counseling
Make inquiries at the Fukuoka City International Foundation Information Counter
Telephone: 092-262-1799
There are plenty of people out there who can help you.
Please don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Other counseling
Fukuoka City International Foundation offers various types of free counseling for foreign residents of Fukuoka. See below for details:
Free Legal Counseling
With the support of the Fukuoka Bar Association, Fukuoka City International Foundation offers free legal consultation services to foreign nationals residing in the Fukuoka area. Interpreters are available upon request. Appointments are necessary.
When: 1st Saturday and 3rd Wednesday of every month
Further information: http://www.fcif.or.jp/en/en-consultation/legal
Free Consultation on Immigration, Residence, and Nationality for Foreign Nationals
No appointment necessary. English and Chinese interpreters are available. For other language assistance, please inquire one week before.
When: 2nd Sunday of every month
Further information: http://www.fcif.or.jp/en/en-consultation/immigration