
Fukuoka AJET will be hosting its first movie night on October 3rd! Our commencing theme will be Disney. Please take a look at the survey and vote for your preferred movie. The top two movies will be streamed consecutively via Discord. Tentative time is 6-10 pm. Please join us!

A tab under the Leavers’ section has been added to show questions and answers given during the June 1st online Q&A session. Please see the June 1st Q&A tab for details! Online Q&A sessions have been scheduled for Friday, June 26th and Saturday, July 4th to best assist leaving JETs with questions they have. Answers to questions asked will be uploaded following the meeting. If you have a question about the leaving process, please email your PA 🙂

Hello and a big otsukaresama from us here in the 2019-2020 FAJET team! As we get ready to say goodbye to many of you and hand over to a brand new FAJET team, here’s a look back over what we have been able to enjoy with you all this year.

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National AJET has come forward with a campaign to help support hospitals and healthcare facilities across Japan who are facing shortages of masks during the global pandemic. We’re calling upon crafty individuals (or anyone who feels ready and able to grab a needle and thread!) to help us make handmade re-usable face masks to provide to care givers, hospital workers and all those working to help those in need.

Chelsea from FAJET will be holding our first ever Resume Workshop on April 25th in aid of our Scholarship Fund!

Our Scholarship Fund helps to send one student from Fukuoka to study abroad.

Get your resumes and cover letters ready, your LinkedIn profile dusted off, and your job hunting face on because we’re going to be working on all of it!

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