What is AJET?
AJET is the Association for the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program. AJET is a volunteer organisation made of JETs, by JETs, for JETs. It provides information and support to the 4,000+ JETs residing across Japan. In additional to National AJET, each prefecture in Japan has its own local division of AJET.
National AJET
National AJET is the nationwide managing body of AJET. Its responsibilities include helping to organize and facilitate JET Tokyo Orientation, maintaining the AJET website, running the AJET Internationalization and Teaching Awards every spring, showing exceptional examples of JET involvement within Japanese communities, increasing post-employment opportunities via the JET Returners’ Conference in February, and promoting valuable ways in which to teach English and further internationalization within local areas.

Two particularly notable services offered by National AJET are:
- Tatami Timeshare – Tatami Timeshare is a service created for JETs to find places to stay for free when travelling. It connects you to a network of JETs who can opt to both host other JETs and stay at other JETs’ apartments when they travel around Japan. Visit the National AJET website for information about how to join. You may also send your enquires to tatami.timeshare@ajet.net
- Peer Support Group – The Peer Support Group (PSG) is a support hotline staffed by volunteer JETs designed to lend a listening ear if you need to talk about anything. From homesickness to job woes or even just if you want someone to chat to, this service is available for you. PSG is available only during nighttime hours. The hotline is anonymous and free of charge. For those interested in volunteering for PSG and receiving training on active listening and counselling techniques, new Peer Support Group volunteers are taken each spring.