Fukuoka JET Spotlight: Hobby Highlight 4

Fukuoka JET Spotlight: Hobby Highlight 4
[Edition 4]

Welcome to Fukuoka JET Spotlight! In this new series of posts, we will be sharing some of the achievements of our fellow JETs here in Fukuoka Prefecture.

Now nearly two years into this pandemic, many of us have found ourselves with plenty more free time than usual, leading to a range of brand new hobbies cropping up in our lives. This mini-series, Hobby Highlights, aims to share some of the great hobbies that our colleagues have nurtured during the pandemic.

Kae, Fukuoka CIR

Q: What is your hobby, when did you start, and why?

I like cooking, baking, reading, and learning about cryptocurrencies. These hobbies started more seriously during the pandemic.

As for cooking (1), my doctor said that my body needs protein much more than other people. If I want to get enough protein by eating out in Japan, I will surely have a problem with my wallet. I enjoy cooking non-Japanese food here. The smell of shoyu, miso, Japanese rice, and any Japanese food now makes me feel sick.

For reading (2): I never thought that I will read English books, but my husband is a member of a book club group in Chojabaru, so I thought that it would be better to read with the group and not just eat food when we meet in person! My first recommendation is “Totto-chan, the Little Girl at the Window.” I really recommend this book for ALTs.

And lastly, I feel more comfortable having a passive income that I can continue after JET, so I’m learning about what I can do in crypto (3).

Q: What has encouraged you to keep up this hobby?

(1) My body needs the protein, and I need the delicious food!

(3) Crypto is a fun game for me, so it’s easy to keep it up.

Q: Please tell us about some of your best achievements or proudest moments with your hobby so far.

(2) When I finished Pride and Prejudice with the book club, I realized that I should study English and read more English books. It was a nightmare, but I didn’t want to give up!

Q: What is your goal for this hobby?

(1) Making you guys hungry with my food pictures on Instagram is a very fun time! Check it out at @kaekai_go

(2) Reading more books

(3) Having a passive incoming for the future. Crypto is a good choice to try. You can create your own account with Binance, if you want!