Fukuoka JET Spotlight: Hobby Highlight 2

Fukuoka JET Spotlight: Hobby Highlight 2
[Edition 2]

Welcome to Fukuoka JET Spotlight! In this new series of posts, we will be sharing some of the achievements of our fellow JETs here in Fukuoka Prefecture.

Now nearly two years into this pandemic, many of us have found ourselves with plenty more free time than usual, leading to a range of brand new hobbies cropping up in our lives. This mini-series, Hobby Highlights, aims to share some of the great hobbies that our colleagues have nurtured during the pandemic.

Heather, SHS ALT

Q: What is your hobby, when did you start, and why?

I started my blog page in July 2021.

The main reason I started the blog was to keep a record of my memories of living in Japan. I wanted to remember what I felt and experienced when living in Japan. Also, I wanted to share my observations and memories with my friends and family who have very little knowledge of Japan.

Q: What has encouraged you to keep up this hobby?

I feel my writing has improved over time and I’m more confident in expressing myself. I have become more interested in Japanese culture; the blog encouraged me to research Japanese folklore, yokai, and traditions.

With each blog post I write, I can see the viewers increasing. This has motivated me to keep writing.

Q: Please tell us about some of your best achievements or proudest moments with your hobby so far.

I often get messages from my viewers asking me when my next post will be. Some of my viewers have started planning future holidays to Japan off what they have learned about Japan from reading my blog.

I didn’t expect people in Japan to read my blog but many of my colleagues at work and my Japanese friends also enjoy reading my blog. They enjoy reaching my perspective and they can practice their English reading skills.

Q: What is your goal for this hobby?

I don’t have any strict goals for my hobby; it is something I do for leisure when I have free time. I want to continue posting regularly when I’m inspired to write.