FAJET’s 2020 Charity Concert – Thank you!

FAJET’s 2020 Charity Concert – Thank you!

On the 25th January 2020 , Fukuoka AJET held their 2nd Charity Concert in order to raise money for the AJET Scholarship. Once again it was an exciting evening thoroughly enjoyed by all!

The concert took place at Rise Up, a vibrant live music space in Kurume City. Six acts joined us that night, providing us with an exciting array of live performances including solo singing, instrumental performances and a band.

Yet again Fukuoka JETs were able to showcase their musical talents to a crowd of fellow JETs, foreign friends and Japanese locals.

After the performance line up ended we held a challenging quiz on unusual World trivia, with the winning team receiving a batch of delicious homemade cookies!

Thanks to everyone’s participation and generous donations on this evening, the AJET team was able to raise over ¥120,000 towards the Scholarship fund. This is a truly fantastic outcome, and with your support we are on track to our fund goal. This will be used send one Fukuoka High School student for a study abroad experience of their choice.

We’d again like to extend our warmest thanks to:

  • Our performers – Emmanuel, Meredith, Sam, Alex, Tiphani and ThreeNote.
  • The Rise Up venue team
  • Ross, our MC
  • Tony, our photographer
  • And of course, all who attended and helped make it a success