Welcome to Fukuoka JETs!

The Website is currently undergoing updates. Please bear with us as things move, change colors, or disappear. We are doing our best to do them in small increments so we don't disturb the website flow. Thank you and please look forward to the changes!

Incoming JETs

For all you need to know to prepare for your new job on JET and life in Fukuoka Prefecture.

Fukuoka JET Blog

Posts made by fellow JET participants to showcase the prefecture, share information about upcoming events, and to give you updates about the website.

Find a list of all the posts below!

Departing JETs

For information and rescourses to help you move out and prepare for leaving JET.

About Fukuoka

Fukuoka Prefecture is located in southern Japan on the island of Kyushu. Boasting a myriad of beautiful sights, delicious food, rich cutlure and endless opportunities.

As we are closer in proximity to Korea than Tokyo, Fukuoka often sees an abundance of international influence in its restaurants, activities, and festivals.

In Fukuoka, you can transition from skyscraper cities (Fukuoka and downtown Kitakyushu for example) to tranquill countryside (like Yame or Itoshima) in mere minutes, lending to a perfect balance to suit your preferred lifestyle.


About Fukuoka JETs

We are a JET community located on the island of Kyushu and home to over 120 ALTs and CIRs from many countries inlcuding: Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Ireland, Jamaica, Korea, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

JETs in Fukuoka Prefecture are divided into 8 geographical Areas, each with a Area Leader to provide support and create exciting social events. Fukuoka AJET is also active and bustling, planning plenty of events through the year both for fun and for charity.